Hi Nimue, I've read quite a few of your articles on poverty, mental health and our society. You express it all so well and succinctly! It made me realise that for many years I have been depressed but fully functioning, and how outside causes have contributed to it. In our warped modern world our primal instincts as hunter gatherers find expression in warped ways. We hunt for and gather different things for different reasons. It comes down to a lifelong search for meaning, belonging and our tribe. Nowadays, there are so many bewildering options for everything and it's easy to get lost in different rabbit holes. Trying to practice simplicity is the hardest thing as there are endless distractions. It's important to realise that it's not our individual fault when we can't function in a dysfunctional society. Perspective is vital. I have found, again and again, that the Buddha was the best psychologist who ever lived. His teachings lift the weight off my shoulders and return clarity to my life. Others may find solace and guidance in other teachings. I feel it's important for modern people to remember that we're a small part of something so much bigger, and we can't know all the answers. We need to reacquaint ourselves with mystery. Richard Rohr,a Christian mystic, says that we instinctively grasp some of the meaning of mystery, outside of our analytical minds, and I have found that to be true.

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